Friday, August 26, 2011

Observations in a Strange Land

Observations in a Strange Land
I dare not compare myself and the articulation of my thoughts to Walker Percy. His insights belong to books while mine belong to blogs. However, Mr. Percy and I share two things in common: (a.) both of us are human, and (b.) both of us will die. Actually, we share three things in common: (c.) both of us are acutely aware of death's inevitability.

While thinking of what I wanted to do with this blog, the name of his book sprung into my mind. Perhaps I wanted to imitate his approach to the narrative; perhaps I lack originality. What makes my existence unique is that it is utterly mine, and mine alone. No other can know the world as I know it from my experiences through the unique configuration of my own neurons, synapses, and brain chemistry soup.

What this means, in less words, is that I have a unique perspective on life, the universe and everything. Notice that I did not say that my perspective is the correct perspective. Nor do I imply that my perspective should be the only one. Rather, I'm observing that my perspective is just that -- mine. And I own my opinions, thoughts, criticisms, insights, and shortcomings.

Where two or more are gathered, there too is disagreement in their midst. This play on Matt 18:20 means that I understand that at the moment I reveal my opinions, my thoughts, my insights, my criticisms, and my perspectives to the world, or rather, to just one other person, the potential for disagreement is born. Some of the things I will write in the blog will ruffle feathers -- your feathers -- to be sure. This serves a twofold purpose: (a.) I communicate what I feel or think and (b.) my words get you to feel or think too. And where I fail to get you to think in a constructive manner, I at least succeed in communicating snips from my interior life.

So there it is. Be offended. Be pensive. Make my knowledge your own, or reject it outright. Both you and I share two things in common now: (a.) we are both human, and (b.) we are both going to die one day. But before that day comes, let us live and profit from one another's company, shall we?

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